Monday 14 December 2020

Study Finds Increased Harassment in the COVID-19 Era

Sexual Harassment Prevention training Update

Study Finds Increased Harassment in the COVID-19 Era

Sexual harassment has long been pervasive in the restaurant industry, according to a  Harvard Business Review 2018 study.  The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated this problem, according to a Fall 2020 study released in December 2020.  

According to the One Fair Wage report, 41% of restaurant workers have personally experienced or witnessed a noticeable increase in levels of unwanted sexualized comments from customers, and 25% have personally experienced or observed a significant increase in the frequency of sexual harassment. 

The study also found that 43% of female respondents have personally experienced or seen unwanted sexualized comments related explicitly to COVID-19 mask or physical distancing protocols.

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The post Study Finds Increased Harassment in the COVID-19 Era appeared first on Clear Law Institute.

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