Tuesday, 22 December 2020

COVID-19 Workplace and Job-specific Protocols Calls for Employee Education

covid-19 virus line drawing

COVID-19 Safe Workplace training Update

COVID-19 Workplace and Job-specific Protocols Calls for Employee Education

To effectively minimize the risk of COVID-19 in the workplace, employers should provide training and other information to employees on how to comply with any COVID-19 safety protocols specific to their workplace and job duties. This may be required in certain states as well.

Clear Law Institute’s online training, COVID-19 Safe Workplace, includes state-mandated training and pertinent CDC and OSHA workplace guidance. While employees are expected to follow these universal requirements and guidelines, many employers have adopted additional safety measures specific to their workplace and employees’ job duties.

Workplace and Job-Duty Specific Protocols

Employers who have adopted workplace-specific and job-specific safety protocols may need to provide additional training and information to affected employees on topics such as:

  • Workplace social distancing measures, such as workspace layouts, traffic patterns, etc.

  • Workplace or workstation cleaning protocols

  • Health screening, including symptom and temperature checks

  • Reporting procedures for COVID-19 symptoms, diagnosis, or exposure

  • Workplace removal process for employees with COVID-19 symptoms, diagnosis, or exposure

  • COVID-19-related leave or other benefits provided by the employer or required by law

  • Other matters addressed in an employer’s COVID-19 Plan or other policies and procedures

Why Clear Law Institute?

Clear Law Institute can customize our online training, COVID-19 Safe Workplace, to address workplace and job-specific protocols or an employer can provide independent education on these topics.

Contact us to learn more about customizing our online training on COVID-19 Safe Workplace.

Black man using laptop to take Clear Law Institute's COVID-19 Safe Workplace Training

The post COVID-19 Workplace and Job-specific Protocols Calls for Employee Education appeared first on Clear Law Institute.

Read full post at: https://clearlawinstitute.com/blog/covid-workplace-job-specific-safety-require-training/

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