Monday, 15 June 2020

Minnesota Requires Employee Covid-19 Safety Training Upon Return to the Workplace

Minnesota Requires Employee Covid-19 Safety Training Upon Return to the Workplace

The State of Minnesota recently issued Industry Guidance for Safely Reopening: General Industry Guidance (Guidance) as part of the Governor’s plan for reopening the state.

The Guidance states that “non-critical sector businesses and employers must develop and implement a COVID-19 Business Preparedness Plan that addresses the following components.” As part of the Plan development, the Guidance provides that “all workers and members of management must be trained regarding COVID-19 exposure, as well as applicable policies, procedures, practices, and protocols.”

The Guidance also provides that “businesses must ensure the necessary or required rules and practices are communicated to workers, and adequately enforce their provisions.”

In addition, the training must be paid for by the business, and provided in a manner and language that each employee can understand, as well as adjusted to reasonably accommodate all limiting factors present. 

The Guidance further directs a business to follow the OSHA’s Resource for

Development and Delivery of Training to Workers and Minnesota’s Small Assemblies for Testing and Training Guidance when facilitating training for employees while addressing Covid-19 implications.

Clear Law Institute has created an interactive, self-paced online training that complies with this training requirement, and similar requirements in other states, in addition to the OSHA guidelines that apply nationwide. Clear Law Institute’s COVID-19 Safe Workplace Training is fully narrated and includes numerous interactive animations, video demonstrations, and exercises.

Clear Law Institute, which provides online compliance training for more than 1,000 employers, handles rolling out the training to your employees, tech support issues, and tracking course completions.

Click here to learn more and receive a FREE Trial of this mandatory COVID-19 training.

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