Tuesday, 16 June 2020

U. S. Supreme Court Rules Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Are Protected Under Title VII

U.S. Supreme Court Rules Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Are Protected Under Title VII

On June 15, 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court held that the provision in Title VII protecting individuals in the workplace “because of  sex” includes discrimination based on sexual orgientation and gender identity. The Court issued this opinion on three consolidated cases Zarda v. Altitude Express, Inc., Bostock v. Clayton County, and EEOC v. R.G. &. G.R. Harris Funeral Homes, Inc.  

Specifically, the Court stated in its opinion that “it is impossible to discriminate against a person for being homosexual or transgender without discriminating against that individual based on sex.” The Court further explained that “an employer who fires an individual for being homosexual or transgender fires that person for traits or actions it would not have questioned in members of a different sex.”  The Court therefore concluded that “sex plays a necessary and undisguisable role in the decision, exactly what Title VII forbids.” 

Clear Law Institute has already updated our online sexulal harassment training to include this new U.S. Supreme Court ruling.  Thousands of employers rely on Clear Law Institute to provide online sexual harassment training to their employees across the country because our training:

  • Complies with federal law and the laws in all 50 states
  • Provides users with the ability to ask questions and have those questions answered
  • Is kept up-to-date with any changes in the law at no additional charge
  • Utilizes cutting-edge instructional design principles and learning games
  • Efficiently tracks who has and who has not completed the training each year, as handled by Clear Law’s Learning Management System. This prevents employers from having to collect and track certificates manually.

Learn more and view a free course demo now.

The post U. S. Supreme Court Rules Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Are Protected Under Title VII appeared first on Clear Law Institute.

Read full post at: https://clearlawinstitute.com/blog/us-supreme-court-sexual-orientation-gender-identity-ruling/

Monday, 15 June 2020

Rhode Island Requires Employee Covid-19 Safety Training Upon Return to the Workplace

Rhode Island Requires Employee Covid-19 Safety Training Upon Return to the Workplace

Rhode Island recently entered Phase II of the state’s Reopening Plan. As part of this Plan, the Rhode Island Department of Health issued emergency rules, which require that “all employees shall be trained to follow the standards and requirements of these regulations and new employees shall be trained as they are hired.” Emergency Rule, RI 216-RICR-50-15-7.4.1 (g). The emergency regulations remain in effect until September 5, 2020, unless renewed for a period not to exceed 60 days.

As part of the reopening process, an employer must certify that its employees have an understanding of how to operate during Rhode Island’s phased reopening, including, but not limited to the following:  

  • Ensuring proper cleaning and decontamination of the workplace.
  • Providing instruction on how and when to properly wash hands in the workplace.
  • Reminding employees of the requirement to stay home if sick and inform them of sick-time policies.  
  • Discussing with and/or distributing information to employees about how the business or organization will address employee concerns. 

In addition, the state strongly encourages employers to develop a training plan to ensure employees are able to meet the safety guidelines in accordance with OSHA requirements. Rhode Island, Phase II General Business/Organization Guidelines

Clear Law Institute has created an interactive, self-paced online training that complies with this training requirement, and similar requirements in other states, in addition to the OSHA guidelines that apply nationwide. Clear Law Institute’s COVID-19 Safe Workplace Training is fully narrated and includes numerous interactive animations, video demonstrations, and exercises.

Clear Law Institute, which provides online compliance training for more than 1,000 employers, handles rolling out the training to your employees, tech support issues, and tracking course completions.

Click here to learn more and receive a FREE Trial of this mandatory COVID-19 training.

The post Rhode Island Requires Employee Covid-19 Safety Training Upon Return to the Workplace appeared first on Clear Law Institute.

Read full post at: https://clearlawinstitute.com/blog/rhode-island-mandates-covid-19-return-to-work-training/

Minnesota Requires Employee Covid-19 Safety Training Upon Return to the Workplace

Minnesota Requires Employee Covid-19 Safety Training Upon Return to the Workplace

The State of Minnesota recently issued Industry Guidance for Safely Reopening: General Industry Guidance (Guidance) as part of the Governor’s plan for reopening the state.

The Guidance states that “non-critical sector businesses and employers must develop and implement a COVID-19 Business Preparedness Plan that addresses the following components.” As part of the Plan development, the Guidance provides that “all workers and members of management must be trained regarding COVID-19 exposure, as well as applicable policies, procedures, practices, and protocols.”

The Guidance also provides that “businesses must ensure the necessary or required rules and practices are communicated to workers, and adequately enforce their provisions.”

In addition, the training must be paid for by the business, and provided in a manner and language that each employee can understand, as well as adjusted to reasonably accommodate all limiting factors present. 

The Guidance further directs a business to follow the OSHA’s Resource for

Development and Delivery of Training to Workers and Minnesota’s Small Assemblies for Testing and Training Guidance when facilitating training for employees while addressing Covid-19 implications.

Clear Law Institute has created an interactive, self-paced online training that complies with this training requirement, and similar requirements in other states, in addition to the OSHA guidelines that apply nationwide. Clear Law Institute’s COVID-19 Safe Workplace Training is fully narrated and includes numerous interactive animations, video demonstrations, and exercises.

Clear Law Institute, which provides online compliance training for more than 1,000 employers, handles rolling out the training to your employees, tech support issues, and tracking course completions.

Click here to learn more and receive a FREE Trial of this mandatory COVID-19 training.

The post Minnesota Requires Employee Covid-19 Safety Training Upon Return to the Workplace appeared first on Clear Law Institute.

Read full post at: https://clearlawinstitute.com/blog/minnesota-mandates-covid-19-return-to-work-training/

Oregon Mandates Covid-19 Safety Training for Employees

Oregon Mandates Covid-19 Safety Training for Employees

The Governor of Oregon recently issued an Executive Order, which provides, among other things, that “businesses must comply with any applicable Oregon Health Authority (OHA) guidance, including, but not limited to employer guidance and face covering guidance.” Businesses and organizations that do not comply with the Order, will be closed unless compliance can be demonstrated.

In turn, the OHA General Guidance for Employers on Covid-19 provides that an employer “train all employees in safety requirements and expectations at physical worksites.”

Clear Law Institute has created an interactive, self-paced online training that complies with this training requirement, and similar requirements in other states, in addition to the OSHA guidelines that apply nationwide. Clear Law Institute’s COVID-19 Safe Workplace Training is fully narrated and includes numerous interactive animations, video demonstrations, and exercises.

Clear Law Institute, which provides online compliance training for more than 1,000 employers, handles rolling out the training to your employees, tech support issues, and tracking course completions.

Click here to learn more and receive a FREE Trial of this mandatory COVID-19 training.

The post Oregon Mandates Covid-19 Safety Training for Employees appeared first on Clear Law Institute.

Read full post at: https://clearlawinstitute.com/blog/oregon-mandates-covid-19-return-to-work-training/

Thursday, 11 June 2020

Kentucky Requires Employee Covid-19 Safety Training Before Reopening

Kentucky Requires Employee Covid-19 Safety Training Before Reopening

Kentucky requires every entity in the state to provide Covid-19 safety training to all employees before reopening. 

More specifically, the Kentucky Healthy at Work Guidelines provide that each business or organization allowed to reopen in the state meet certain “minimum requirements” before reopening. 

These “minimum requirements” include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Employee training on how to isolate individuals with suspected or confirmed COVID-19, and how to report possible cases. If an employee tests positive, the employer must immediately notify the local public health department.
  • Training for all individuals, including employees, temporary employees, contractors, vendors, customers, etc., about the Kentucky Healthy at Work protocols. The training must be offered during scheduled work times at no cost to the employee.

In addition, retail businesses must train employees on how to use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), including: 

  • when to use PPE;
  • what PPE is necessary;
  • how to properly put on, use, and remove PPE;
  • how to properly dispose of and/or disinfect PPE;
  • how to inspect for damage and maintain PPE; and 
  • the limitations of PPE.

Finally, retail businesses should ensure employees are informed that they may identify and communicate potential improvements and/or concerns to reduce potential risk of exposure at the workplace. These education and training requirements must be communicated in the language best understood by the individual receiving the education and training.

Clear Law Institute has created an interactive, self-paced online training that complies with this training requirement, and similar requirements in other states, in addition to the OSHA guidelines that apply nationwide. Clear Law Institute’s COVID-19 Safe Workplace Training is fully narrated and includes numerous interactive animations, video demonstrations, and exercises.

Clear Law Institute, which provides online compliance training for more than 1,000 employers, handles rolling out the training to your employees, tech support issues, and tracking course completions.

Click here to learn more and receive a FREE Trial of this mandatory COVID-19 training.

The post Kentucky Requires Employee Covid-19 Safety Training Before Reopening appeared first on Clear Law Institute.

Read full post at: https://clearlawinstitute.com/blog/kentucky-mandates-covid-19-return-to-work-training/

New Mexico Mandates COVID-Safety Employee Training

New Mexico Mandates COVID-Safety Employee Training

New Mexico recently issued Covid-Safe Practices For All Employers currently allowed to reopen during Covid-19. According to this guidance, employers are required to “[t]rain all employees on daily cleaning and disinfecting protocol, hygiene, and respiratory etiquette (e.g., covering coughs).” 

All Together New Mexico, Covid Safe Practices for Individuals and Employers (pg. 9) (employee training listed as “required”); New Mexico Department of Health, Public Health Emergency Order (June 1. 2020) (retail businesses allowed to reopen must comply with All Together, New Mexico, Covid Safe Practices for Individuals and Employers).

Clear Law Institute has created an interactive, self-paced online training that complies with this training requirement, and similar requirements in other states, in addition to the OSHA guidelines that apply nationwide. Clear Law Institute’s COVID-19 Safe Workplace Training is fully narrated and includes numerous interactive animations, video demonstrations, and exercises.

Clear Law Institute, which provides online compliance training for more than 1,000 employers, handles rolling out the training to your employees, tech support issues, and tracking course completions.

Click here to learn more and receive a FREE Trial of this mandatory COVID-19 training.

The post New Mexico Mandates COVID-Safety Employee Training appeared first on Clear Law Institute.

Read full post at: https://clearlawinstitute.com/blog/new-mexico-mandates-covid-19-return-to-work-training/

Employee Training Required in New Hampshire for Businesses Reopening during Covid-19

Employee Training Required in New Hampshire for Businesses Reopening during Covid-19

As part of its New Hampshire Stay at Home Plan 2.0, the state has issued Covid -19 Reopening Guidance – Universal Guidelines for all businesses and organizations, which require employee health and safety training upon reopening during Covid-19.

These guidelines, which apply to all businesses allowed to reopen in New Hampshire, specifically state that “[e]mployers must develop policies for worker protection and provide training to all staff prior to assigning cleaning tasks.” As stated in the guidelines, they apply “to businesses and organizations that have been deemed essential and remained open during the Stay at Home Order and those that are re-opening all or a portion of their operations.” 

In addition, retailers may open their physical facilities to workers, customers, and the public, and resume in person operations if they operate in accordance with the COVID-19 Reopening Guidance – Retail. These guidelines require retailers to provide additional employee training to that discussed above. Retailers must also train employees on:

  • the use of cloth face coverings per CDC guidelines; and
  • provide regular updates and training for employees about personal COVID-19 mitigation and store safeguards based on CDC guidelines.

Clear Law Institute has created an interactive, self-paced online training that complies with the New Hampshire training requirement and similar requirements in other states, such as California, Connecticut, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, Vermont, and Washington, and with OSHA guidelines that apply nationwide. Clear Law Institute’s COVID-19 Safe Workplace training is fully narrated and includes numerous interactive animations, video demonstrations, and exercises.

Clear Law Institute, which provides online compliance training for more than 1,000 employers, handles rolling out the training to your employees, handling tech support issues, and tracking course completions.

Click here to learn more and receive a FREE Trial of this mandatory New Hampshire COVID-19 training.

The post Employee Training Required in New Hampshire for Businesses Reopening during Covid-19 appeared first on Clear Law Institute.

Read full post at: https://clearlawinstitute.com/blog/new-hampshire-mandates-covid-19-return-to-work-training/

Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Maine Requires Covid-19 Training for Retail Employees Before Opening

Maine Requires Covid-19 Training for Retail Employees Before Opening

Maine has recently allowed the reopening of retail stores under certain circumstances. In addition to several other mandates, a retail establishment in Maine must commit to complying with the requirements of the state issued industry-specific checklists and complete a Covid-19 Compliance Checklist Form with the Maine Department of Economic Development and Community Development before opening.

The Checklist for Retailers requires employee training include the following content:

  • physical distancing guidelines and expectations
  • monitoring personal health
  • proper wear, removal, disposal of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • laundering of face coverings and uniforms as listed in guidance on how to launder cloth face coverings and uniforms: see CDC, Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Facility, How to Disinfect: Laundry)
  • cleaning protocols per CDC guidelines
  • how to monitor personal health and body temperature at home
  • cleaning protocol, including how to safely and effectively use cleaning supplies

Maine Department of Economic Development and Community, Covid-19 Business Guidance

Clear Law Institute has created an interactive, self-paced online training that complies with the Massachusetts training requirement and similar requirements in other states, such as California, Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, Vermont, and Washington, and with OSHA guidelines that apply nationwide. Clear Law Institute’s COVID-19 Safe Workplace training is fully narrated and includes numerous interactive animations, video demonstrations, and exercises.

Clear Law Institute, which provides online compliance training for more than 1,000 employers, handles rolling out the training to your employees, handling tech support issues, and tracking course completions.

Click here to learn more and receive a FREE Trial of this mandatory Maine COVID-19 training.

The post Maine Requires Covid-19 Training for Retail Employees Before Opening appeared first on Clear Law Institute.

Read full post at: https://clearlawinstitute.com/blog/maine-mandates-covid-19-return-to-work-training/

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

States That Require or Encourage Covid-19 Training for Employees

States That Require Covid-19 Training for Employees

As employers across the United States welcome employees back to the workplace, OSHA has made clear that employers nationwide should provide “workers with up-to-date education and training on COVID-19 risk factors and protective behaviors.”

Also, several states have mandated that employers provide COVID-19 training to employees, and more states and localities are sure to follow. Some of the state laws require that specific content be included in the training. 

Clear Law Insitute has written white papers detailing the training requirements in the states that mandate COVID-19 training. You can view the white paper for each state at the links below:

We will update this list as more states require coronavirus training for their employees. To be notified about new state training requirements, please contact us.

Compliant Online Training

Clear Law Institute has created an interactive, self-paced online training that complies with the training requirements in all states and with OSHA guidelines that apply nationwide. Clear Law Institute’s COVID-19 Safe Workplace training is fully narrated and includes numerous interactive animations, video demonstrations, and exercises.

Clear Law Institute, which provides online compliance training for more than 1,000 employers, handles rolling out the training to your employees, handling tech support issues, and tracking course completions.

Click here to learn more and receive a FREE Trial of this mandatory Illinois COVID-19 training.

The post States That Require or Encourage Covid-19 Training for Employees appeared first on Clear Law Institute.

Read full post at: https://clearlawinstitute.com/blog/states-that-require-covid-19-training/

Monday, 8 June 2020

Massachusetts Implements Mandatory Covid-19 Workplace Training Requirements

Massachusetts Implements Mandatory COVID-19 Workplace Training Requirements

Massachusetts recently issued Mandatory Safety Standards for Workplaces that all businesses must meet before reopening.

As part of the Mandatory Safety Standards for Workplaces, all businesses must “provide training for employees regarding social distancing and hygiene protocols.”

These general safety standards are supplemented by sector-specific safety protocols and recommended best practices, which specify the content requirements for the mandatory employee training.

Clear Law Institute has created an interactive, self-paced online training that complies with the Massachusetts training requirement and similar requirements in other states, such as California, Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, Vermont, and Washington, and with OSHA guidelines that apply nationwide. Clear Law Institute’s COVID-19 Safe Workplace training is fully narrated and includes numerous interactive animations, video demonstrations, and exercises.

Clear Law Institute, which provides online compliance training for more than 1,000 employers, handles rolling out the training to your employees, handling tech support issues, and tracking course completions.

Click here to learn more and receive a FREE Trial of this mandatory Massachusetts COVID-19 training.

The post Massachusetts Implements Mandatory Covid-19 Workplace Training Requirements appeared first on Clear Law Institute.

Read full post at: https://clearlawinstitute.com/blog/masachusetts-mandates-covid-19-return-to-work-training/

Friday, 5 June 2020

COVID-19 Training Required for All Employees in New York

New York Mandates COVID-19 Training for All Employees Before or Upon Their Return to Workplace

On May 29, 2020, certain regions in New York State entered Phase 2 of Governor Cuomo’s Move New York Forward Plan to reopen most businesses in the state, except for New York City, which is expected to enter Phase 1 on June 8th.

New York State has issued industry-specific guidelines required for those businesses currently allowed to reopen, which directs employers to “train all personnel on the new protocols and frequently communicate safety guidelines.”  Many of the guidelines set forth specific content that must be covered.

Phase 1 businesses allowed to reopen include construction, manufacturing, and several other industriesPhase 2 businesses allowed to reopen include office settings where business activities are the core function, essential in-store retail, and several other industries.

Clear Law Institute has created an interactive, self-paced online training that complies with the New York training requirement and similar requirements in other states, such as California, Connecticut, Illinois, Michigan, Vermont, and Washington, and with OSHA guidelines that apply nationwide. Clear Law Institute’s COVID-19 Safe Workplace training is fully narrated and includes numerous interactive animations, video demonstrations, and exercises.

Clear Law Institute, which provides online compliance training for more than 1,000 employers, handles rolling out the training to your employees, handling tech support issues, and tracking course completions.

Click here to learn more and receive a FREE Trial of this mandatory New York COVID-19 training.

The post COVID-19 Training Required for All Employees in New York appeared first on Clear Law Institute.

Read full post at: https://clearlawinstitute.com/blog/new-york-mandates-covid-19-return-to-work-training/

Thursday, 4 June 2020

COVID-19 Training Required for All Employees in Michigan

COVID-19 Training Required for All Employees in Michigan

The Governor of Michigan recently issued an Executive Order requiring all employers to provide COVID-19 training for employees returning to the workplace.

At a minimum, the training must include the following:

  • Workplace infection-control practices
  • How to properly use personal protective equipment
  • Steps an employee must take to notify the employer of any symptoms of COVID-19 or a suspected or confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19
  • How to report unsafe working conditions

Michigan also mandates industry-specific training, such as for retail establishments, that in addition to the above training requirements, must include:

  • Appropriate cleaning procedures, including training for cashiers on cleaning between customers
  • How to manage symptomatic customers upon entry or in the store

In addition, all employers are required to create a COVID-19 preparedness and response plan, consistent with OSHA Guidance.

Clear Law Institute has created an interactive, self-paced online training that complies with the Michigan training requirement and similar requirements in other states, such as California, Connecticut, Illinois, Vermont, and Washington, and with OSHA guidelines that apply nationwide. Clear Law Institute’s COVID-19 Safe Workplace training is fully narrated and includes numerous interactive animations, video demonstrations, and exercises.

Clear Law Institute, which provides online compliance training for more than 1,000 employers, handles rolling out the training to your employees, handling tech support issues, and tracking course completions.

Click here to learn more and receive a FREE Trial of this mandatory Michigan COVID-19 training.

The post COVID-19 Training Required for All Employees in Michigan appeared first on Clear Law Institute.

Read full post at: https://clearlawinstitute.com/blog/michigan-mandates-covid-19-return-to-work-training/

Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Connecticut Mandates COVID-19 Employee Training

Connecticut Mandates COVID-19 Employee Training

Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont has released rules addressing various COVID-19 requirements that businesses must adhere to as they reopen and bring employees back into the workplace.  Specific rules were released for industries such as offices, retail, and restaurants.

Among other things, employers are required to institute a training program and ensure employee participation in the program before reopening.  The training must include:

  • The rules contained in “Reopen Connecticut” guidance, and
  • Protocols on how to clean and use cleaning products (including disinfectants) safely.

The training must be provided during working hours and at no cost to the employee.  The training materials must be presented in the language and at the literacy level of the employees.  In addition to the training, employers are required to provide employees weekly refreshers on their policies.

If any on-site duties are subcontracted, such as cleaning services, it is the employer’s responsibility to ensure subcontractors are also appropriately trained.

Clear Law Institute has created an interactive, self-paced online training that complies with the Connecticut training requirement and similar requirements in other states, such as California, Illinois, Vermont, and Washington, and with OSHA guidelines that apply nationwide. Clear Law Institute’s COVID-19 Safe Workplace training is fully narrated and includes numerous interactive animations, video demonstrations, and exercises.

Clear Law Institute, which provides online compliance training for more than 1,000 employers, handles rolling out the training to your employees, handling tech support issues, and tracking course completions.

Click here to learn more and receive a FREE Trial of this mandatory Connecticut COVID-19 training.

The post Connecticut Mandates COVID-19 Employee Training appeared first on Clear Law Institute.

Read full post at: https://clearlawinstitute.com/blog/connecticut-mandates-covid-19-return-to-work-training/

Vermont Requires COVID-19 Training for All Employees in the State

Vermont Requires COVID-19 Training for All Employees in the State

Vermont’s governor has issued an Executive Order that, among other things, requires that all employers provide COVID-19 training for employees.  The training must address at a minimum:

a. The signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and an explanation of how the disease is spread;

b. Information on appropriate social distancing and personal hygiene practices; and

c. The types, proper use, limitations, location, handling, decontamination, removal, and disposal of any PPE being used.

Vermont has developed training materials, which consist of a 73-page PDF of PowerPoint slides.  “Employers may adopt another training program that meets or exceeds the VOSHA-provided standard…which shall not be less restrictive than those developed by VOSHA.”

Clear Law Institute has created an interactive, self-paced online training that complies with the Vermont training requirement and similar requirements in other states, such as California, Illinois, and Washington, and with OSHA guidelines that apply nationwide. Clear Law Institute’s COVID-19 Safe Workplace training is fully narrated and includes numerous interactive animations, video demonstrations, and exercises.

Clear Law Institute, which provides online compliance training for more than 1,000 employers, handles rolling out the training to your employees, handling tech support issues, and tracking course completions.

Click here to learn more and receive a FREE Trial of this mandatory Vermont COVID-19 training.

The post Vermont Requires COVID-19 Training for All Employees in the State appeared first on Clear Law Institute.

Read full post at: https://clearlawinstitute.com/blog/vermont-mandates-covid-19-return-to-work-training/

Washington State Mandates COVID-19 Training for All Employees

Washington State Mandates COVID-19 Training for All Employees

All employees in Washington state must complete COVID-19 health and safety training according to guidance issued by the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries (L&I).  According to L&I, all employers “must provide basic workplace hazard education about coronavirus and how to prevent transmission in languages best understood by employees.”

Unlike some other states, Washington does not currently require employers to have a written coronavirus transmission prevention plan.

Clear Law Institute has created an interactive, self-paced online training that complies with the Washington training requirement and similar requirements in other states, such as California, Illinois, and Vermont, and with OSHA guidelines that apply nationwide. Clear Law Institute’s COVID-19 Safe Workplace training is fully narrated and includes numerous interactive animations, video demonstrations, and exercises.

Clear Law Institute, which provides online compliance training for more than 1,000 employers, handles rolling out the training to your employees, handling tech support issues, and tracking course completions.

Click here to learn more and receive a FREE Trial of this mandatory Washington COVID-19 training.

The post Washington State Mandates COVID-19 Training for All Employees appeared first on Clear Law Institute.

Read full post at: https://clearlawinstitute.com/blog/washington-mandates-covid-19-return-to-work-training/

Monday, 1 June 2020

Illinois Mandates COVID-19 Return to the Workplace Training

Illinois Mandates COVID-19 Return to the Workplace Training

All employees in Illinois must complete COVID-19 health and safety training when returning to work, according to an Executive Order issued by Illinois Governor Pritzker on Friday, May 29th. The Executive Order states that all Illinois businesses “must follow” detailed Phase 3 reopening guidance recently published by the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DECO). Among other things, the DECO guidance states, “All workers must complete a health and safety training related to COVID-19 when initially returning to work.” The DECO guidance details specific content that must be included in the training. To learn more about the topics required in the training, contact us.

Clear Law Institute has created an interactive, self-paced online training that complies with the Illinois training requirement and similar requirements in other states, such as California, and with OSHA guidelines that apply nationwide. Clear Law Institute’s COVID-19 Safe Workplace training is fully narrated and includes numerous interactive animations, video demonstrations, and exercises.

Clear Law Institute, which provides online compliance training for more than 1,000 employers, handles rolling out the training to your employees, handling tech support issues, and tracking course completions.

Click here to learn more and receive a FREE Trial of this mandatory Illinois COVID-19 training.

The post Illinois Mandates COVID-19 Return to the Workplace Training appeared first on Clear Law Institute.

Read full post at: https://clearlawinstitute.com/blog/california-mandates-covid-19-return-to-work-training/

California Mandates COVID-19 Return to Work Training

California Covid-19 Employee Training Required

All employees in California must complete COVID-19 health and safety training, according to California’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health (“Cal/OSHA”). Cal/OSHA issued guidance on May 14, 2020, that details a number of items that employers must take, including providing COVID-19 training for employees.  The guidance details numerous topics that must be included in the training. To learn more about the required topics, contact us.

Clear Law Institute has created an interactive, self-paced online training that complies with the California training requirement and similar requirements in other states, such as Illinois, and with OSHA guidelines that apply nationwide. Clear Law Institute’s COVID-19 Safe Workplace training is fully narrated and includes numerous interactive animations, video demonstrations, and exercises.

Clear Law Institute, which provides online compliance training for more than 1,000 employers, handles rolling out the training to your employees, handling tech support issues, and tracking course completions.

Click here to learn more and receive a FREE Trial of this mandatory California COVID-19 training.

The post California Mandates COVID-19 Return to Work Training appeared first on Clear Law Institute.

Read full post at: https://clearlawinstitute.com/blog/illinois-mandates-covid-19-return-to-work-training/